TURKECO Yeşil Bina Danışmanlığı referanslar -  NEF 03
NEF Offices Levent 03
TURKECO Yesil Bina Danismanligi referanslar Anthill Residence
Anthill Residence
TURKECO Yeşil Bina Danışmanlığı referanslar -  NEF 03
NEF Offices Levent 03
TURKECO Yesil Bina Danismanligi referanslar Anthill Residence
Anthill Residence

Abdi Ipekci Street N0 41 Retail

TURKECO Yesil Bina Danismanligi referanslar Abdi İpekci Street N0 41

TURKECO Yesil Bina Danismanligi referanslar Abdi İpekci Street N0 41

TURKECO Yesil Bina Danismanligi referanslar Abdi İpekci Street N0 41

Project Details

Project Name: Abdi Ipekci Street No: 41 Retail Building
Project Owner: Vastned
Project Location: İstanbul
Closed Area: 2034 m2
Turkeco Services: BREEAM Certification Process
Certificate Type: BREEAM 2013 New Construction: Retail / Good



Energy Savings


Water Savings


Resource Efficiency

Project Details

bdi Ipekci Street No: 41 Retail Building, developed by European retail real estate investment firm Vastned, has been evaluated in accordance with BREEAM 2013 criteria and qualified for Good certificate.

With the implementation of responsible construction applications, energy and water efficient devices were implemented. A healthy and comfortable indoor environment has been created for the visitors who work with systems that allow indoor air quality user control( A healthy and comfortable indoor environment has been created for the visitors with systems that allow indoor user air quality control.)

Abdi Ipekci Street No: 41 The proximity of the retail building to the public transportation point and urban facilities contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions and traffic intensity due to vehicle use.